Guide to Advanced Cyber Security Techniques

1. Introduction

  • Importance of advanced cyber security techniques:
    • Helps organisations and individuals defend against sophisticated cyber threats.

2. Advanced Threats

  • Understanding advanced persistent threats (APTs):
    • APTs are long-term targeted attacks by skilled adversaries.
    • Use advanced detection and response tools to identify and mitigate APTs.

3. Threat Hunting

  • Implementing threat hunting practices:
    • Proactively search for indicators of compromise.
    • Use tools like SIEM systems and threat intelligence platforms.

4. Emerging Technologies

  • Using machine learning for cyber security:
    • Apply machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies and predict threats.
  • Applying artificial intelligence in cyber security:
    • Use AI to automate threat detection and response.
  • Exploring quantum cryptography:
    • Quantum cryptography uses quantum mechanics to secure data.
    • Investigate potential applications and challenges.

5. Insider Threats

  • Understanding and mitigating insider threats:
    • Monitor employee activities for signs of misuse.
    • Implement strict access controls and regular audits.

6. Network Forensics

  • Advanced techniques in network forensics:
    • Analyse network traffic to identify and investigate cyber incidents.
    • Use tools like Wireshark and Zeek for deep packet inspection.

7. Deception Technology

  • Implementing honeypots for threat detection:
    • Use honeypots to lure and detect attackers.
  • Understanding and using deception technology:
    • Deploy deception technology to create fake assets and monitor attacker behaviour.

8. Blockchain Security

  • Basics of blockchain security:
    • Understand the principles of blockchain technology.
    • Implement security measures for blockchain applications.
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