Guide to Cyber Security for Parents and Families

1. Introduction

  • Importance of cybersecurity for families:
    • Protects personal information and financial data.
    • Keeps children safe from online threats.

2. Parental Controls

  • Setting up parental controls on devices:
    • Use built-in parental controls on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
    • Set age-appropriate content restrictions.
  • Managing screen time for kids:
    • Set daily limits on screen time.
    • Encourage breaks and offline activities.

3. Online Safety Education

  • Talking to children about online safety:
    • Discuss the importance of not sharing personal information.
    • Teach children how to recognise and avoid online dangers.
  • Educating children about the dangers of phishing:
    • Explain how phishing works.
    • Teach children to verify the legitimacy of emails and messages.

4. Safe Online Practices

  • Safe online gaming practices:
    • Use privacy settings in games to control who can contact your child.
    • Monitor game interactions for inappropriate behaviour.
  • Tips for safe video calling with family:
    • Use reputable video calling apps.
    • Set up privacy settings to restrict who can call.

5. Protecting Personal Information

  • Protecting family members from identity theft:
    • Shred sensitive documents before disposal.
    • Use strong, unique passwords for online accounts.
  • Using family sharing features securely:
    • Set up family sharing for apps and subscriptions.
    • Control access to shared content and purchases.

6. Addressing Cyber Threats

  • Recognising and addressing cyberbullying:
    • Look for signs of cyberbullying (e.g., changes in behaviour).
    • Encourage open communication and report incidents.
  • Creating a family internet safety plan:
    • Set rules for online behaviour and device use.
    • Discuss how to handle online threats and emergencies.
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