Guide to General Cyber Security Awareness

1. Introduction to Cybersecurity

  • What is cybersecurity and why is it important? Cybersecurity involves protecting computers, networks, and data from unauthorised access, theft, and damage. It's important because it safeguards personal and sensitive information from cyber threats.
  • Common types of cyber threats:
    • Malware: Malicious software designed to harm or exploit devices.
    • Phishing: Fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information by disguising as trustworthy entities.
    • Ransomware: Malware that locks data or systems until a ransom is paid.

2. Password Management

  • How to create strong passwords:
    • Use at least 12 characters.
    • Include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
    • Avoid common words and phrases.
  • Using password managers to secure accounts:
    • Store and manage passwords securely.
    • Generate strong, unique passwords for each account.

3. Multi-Factor Authentication

  • The importance of two-factor authentication:
    • Adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.
    • Common methods include SMS codes, authentication apps, and biometrics.

4. Recognising Threats

  • Identifying phishing emails:
    • Look for spelling and grammar errors.
    • Check the sender's email address.
    • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments.
  • Understanding malware and how to prevent it:
    • Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.
    • Use antivirus and anti-malware software.
    • Avoid downloading files from unknown sources.

5. Online Safety Practices

  • Protecting personal information online:
    • Be cautious about sharing personal details on social media.
    • Use privacy settings to control who can see your information.
  • Safe online shopping tips:
    • Shop on reputable websites.
    • Look for "https://" in the URL for secure connections.
    • Use secure payment methods like credit cards or PayPal.
  • Best practices for social media security:
    • Enable privacy settings.
    • Be cautious about friend requests from unknown people.
    • Avoid sharing sensitive information.

6. Software Security

  • The importance of software updates:
    • Regular updates fix security vulnerabilities.
    • Enable automatic updates whenever possible.
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